You never know what is enough, till you know what is too much
Tiba-tiba quote ini muncul di kepala, waktu si bulet ngetik "experience gue blm cukup" di dalam Yahoo Messenger. Akh betapa jeniusnya Saya ini (Tiga detik hening, dan terdengar suara
Yah setidaknya quote itu bukan buatan saya, rasanya gw pernah membaca atau mendengar atau melihat
- orang kaya tentang arti kelaparan , atau
- orang yang ingin kaya , tentang manisnya sukses
Jadi , tidak pernah ada standar apa itu cukup atau enough, karena pada akhirnya hukum relatif berlaku.
on the spot :
enough (ĭ-nŭf')
Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: enough work to keep us all busy.
An adequate number or quantity: "The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live" Henry David Thoreau.
1. To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: Is the fish cooked enough?
2. Very; fully; quite: We were glad enough to leave.
3. Tolerably; rather: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure.
Used to express impatience or exasperation: You've been practicing the guitar all afternoon. Enough!
How much is too-much?
is it enough to say enough?
never enough is never enough
enough is enough
enough ? :))
@RK : how can u know is too-much , if u never feel "too-much" , at least "hukum relatif" always be applied
@vendy: enough is abstract n relative, depend on the object and condition.
Just like we wanna something , when we get it , do u think it is enough ? never.
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